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Best Holiday Video Ads 2023: Get the Inspo

Wojtek Jeżowski

February 6, 2024

Table of Content

Holiday videos can be a great tool to engage and entertain your B2B audiences and employees. Although the holiday season is over already, you have to watch all the best Christmas ads for 2023 and get the inspo for next year's campaigns!

First, you must know that most of them are either plain boring or cringy. Soooo here is the list of best holiday spirit ads you can take for next year's holiday content curated inspirations and also one that didn’t make it to our favorites list. Let's keep reading and get some inspo on how the best holiday commercial ads are crafted!

'Merry Christmas from BMW' - but is it bright and merry?

Not at all. Why? This is an example of a situation when all the pieces to make it good were there. The budget. A Hollywood celebrity. A nice setting. Pretty cars. So, what was missing from this film?

Well, there simply seems to be no story. “Christopher Waltz doesn’t like Christmas parties” is not enough to make it compelling. And to make us care.

We’ve seen comments that this film is proof that Christopher Waltz can make anything good.

You decide.

'May your dreams come true' with Klick Health

This one’s power isn’t in flashy settings or a big budget - it’s about authenticity and wholesomeness.

Every day, Klick Health employees shared what makes them happy on an internal channel. And this Christmas time, each of them got a perfect gift - one of their dreams made true.

We like it because of the staff's genuine surprise and joy and the variety of their gifts - from seeing a Broadway musical to a LEGO set or having a private chef cook their favorite meal.

And the final touch is the company’s contribution to the Make-A-Wish Foundation to spread more holiday joy.

'What we do in the office' by Storyboard Media

This is another popular title parody, this time inspired by the HBO mockumentary “What We Do in the Shadows.”

“What we do in the office.” See what they did there?

The story? Everyone in the office has been turned into vampires except for the latest hire straight out of college. Talk about a challenging work environment!

It’s well executed and funny, especially when playing with vampire movie tropes - and showing that apart from weird(er) work hours, agency work as a vampire is not all that different. One of the funniest holiday ads on our list def!

'Disappearing Santa's cookies' by Umault

This one is only 32 seconds long, and while it’s Christmas-themed (just like Die Hard), it promotes a blog post about deleting third-party cookies and their effect on B2B.

Sounds boring, right? Well, it’s not.

It has a great hook - who would be as upset about the disappearance of cookies as Santa?

It shows what Umault does best, which is making videos that engage. (That’s why we are good friends).

The advice for B2B marketers on their blog is the cherry on top.

'Thank you' video ad by Salesforce

What if we told you that you don’t have to make a holiday video at all?

Some companies thank their customers or share ‘year in review’ videos with financial results. Salesforce decided to do both in one film and made its year review about its clients.

Here’s the angle - to deliver their promise of being a customer company, Salesforce helps clients become more customer-centric companies as well.

And sure, it ends with impressive numbers and promises of further growth, but also a declaration of doing it together with the customers.

Other great examples of best holiday videos you should see

1. ‘The World Needs More Santas' — Coca-Cola

2. 'Joy Ride' – Amazon

3. 'Snapper: The Perfect Tree' – John Lewis

4. 'Give Joy' – Boots

5. 'Capital One ft. John Travolta' - Holiday Night Fever

6. 'Festive Farm' – TK Maxx

7. 'Fuzzy Feelings' — Apple

8. 'A Magical Christmas' with Lidl

9. 'Hey, Santa' — Macy's

Those mentioned examples were not selected because they represent the absolute best of the best holiday videos.

Although we think they’re kinda cool. The aim was to show that holiday videos can be approached in different ways, and they can be made with virtually any budget.



And in BMW’s case, throwing money at a corporate video doesn’t make it good if it doesn’t have a story. And it’s the good storytelling that captures your audience's attention and keeps them engaged until the very end of the video.

Looking for more inspiring articles on creating videos and B2B marketing content? Contact us, and we'll answer all your questions! Let's make awesome videos together.

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